Solidarity With The People of Haiti in their Struggle for Democracy, Justice, and Reparations
To the Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres
To the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro
To the governments of the member countries of the UN and the OAS
To the people of Haiti and their organizations
For consideration:
Haiti is once again going through a profound crisis. Central to this is the struggle against the dictatorship imposed by former president Jovenel Moïse. Since last year Mr. Moise, after decreeing the dismissal of Parliament, has been ruling through decrees, permanently violating Haiti's constitution. He has refused to leave power after his mandate ended on February 7, 2021, claiming that it ends on February 7 of next year, without any legal basis. This disregard of the constitution is taking place despite multiple statements by the country's main judicial bodies, such as the CSPJ (Superior Council of Judicial Power) and the Association of Haitian Lawyers. Numerous religious groups and institutions that are representative of society have also spoken. At this time, there is a strike by the judiciary, which leaves the country without any functioning judicial power.
At the same time, this institutional crisis is framed in the insecurity that affects practically all sectors of Haitian society. An insecurity expressed through the savage repression of popular mobilizations by the PNH (Haitian National Police), at the service of the executive power. They have attacked journalists and committed various massacres in poor neighborhoods. Throughout the country, there have been assassinations and arbitrary arrests of opponents. Most recently, a judge of the High Court was detained under the pretext of promoting an alleged plot against the security of the State and to assassinate the president, leading to the illegal and arbitrary revocation of three judges of this Court. This last period has also seen the creation of hundreds of armed groups that spread terror over the entire country and that respond to power, transforming kidnapping into a fairly prosperous industry for these criminals.
The 13 years of military occupation by United Nations troops through MINUSTAH and the prolongation of that guardianship through MINUJUSTH and BINUH have aggravated the Haitian crisis. They supported retrograde and undemocratic sectors which, along with gangsters, committed serious crimes against the Haitian people and their fundamental rights. For this, the people of Haiti deserve a process of justice and reparations. They have paid dearly for the intervention of MINUSTAH: 30 THOUSAND DEAD from cholera transmitted by the soldiers, thousands of women raped, who now raise orphaned children whose fathers, still alive, returned to their countries without assuming any responsibility. Nothing has changed for the better in 13 years, more social inequality, poverty, more difficulties for the people. The absence of democracy remains the same.
The poor's living conditions have worsened dramatically as a result of more than 30 years of neoliberal policies imposed by the International Financial Institutions (IFIs), a severe exchange rate crisis, the freezing of the minimum wage, and inflation above 20% during the last three years.
It should be emphasized that, despite this dramatic situation, the Haitian people remain firm and are constantly mobilizing to prevent the consolidation of a dictatorship by demanding that former President Jovenel Moïse immediately leave office. Recently, on February 14 and 28, hundreds of thousands of citizens clearly expressed in the streets their rejection of the dictatorship and their firm commitment in favor of respecting the Constitution.
Taking into account the importance of this struggle and that this dictatorial regime still has the support of imperialist governments such as the United States of America, Canada, France, and international organizations such as the UN, the OAS, the EU, and the IMF, we call on you to listen to the people of Haiti who are demanding the end of the dictatorship as well as respect for their sovereignty and self-determination and the establishment of a transition government led by Haitians to launch a process of authentic national reconstruction.
We especially call on the UN and the OAS - which certainly has no right or morals to interfere in elections and other internal affairs of member countries -, on the governments of all countries, especially those that lent themselves to the "humanitarian occupation" of Haiti for 13 years, through MINUSTAH -, to stop behaving as if Haiti were their colony. Enough of intervention! Their duty is another: to ensure justice and reparations for all the crimes they have committed against that people and country, including the introduction of cholera, rape and sexual abuse, the impunity of their electoral manipulation and the use of "cooperation" for their own ends.
Only the Haitian people can decide on their future, but in this effort, they can count on our solidarity and willingness to support them with all the actions within our reach. We support the people and movements of Haiti so that they can elect a popular transitional government and a Constituent in a democratic way.
For a Free and Sovereign Haiti.
Brazil, São Paulo, March 29th, 2021
1. IPA – International Peoples’ Assembly
2. International Week of Antiimperialist Struggle
3. ALBA Movimientos
4. Foro de São Paulo
5. Jubileo Sur
6. La Via Campesina
7. PIE – Partido de la Izquierda Europea
8. WIDF – Women´s International Democratic Federation
9. WMW – World March of Women
10. Argentina, Madres de Plaza de Mayo Línea Fundadora Nora Cortiñas
11. Argentina, Premio Nobel de la Paz Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
12. Argentina, SERPAJ - Servicio Paz y Justicia
13. Argentina, Amigos de la Tierra Argentina
14. Argentina, Así Cultural IMPA La Fábrica
15. Argentina, CAPOMA Bs As
16. Argentina, Casa de la Amistad argentino-cubana-venezolana de La Matanza
17. Argentina, Cátedra Libre Salvador Allende. UBA
19. Argentina, ChavismoSUR
20. Argentina, Colectivo Sanitario Andrés Carrasco/ALAMES Argentina
21. Argentina, Comité argentino de solidaridad por el fin de la ocupación de Haití
22. Argentina, Corriente Nacional Emancipación Sur
23. Argentina, Corriente Nacional Martín Fierro
24. Argentina, Diálogo 2000-Jubileo Sur Argentina
25. Argentina, Encuentro de Profesionales Contra la Tortura
26. Argentina, Envar El Kadri
27. Argentina, Estudiante
28. Argentina, Familiares de desaparecidos y detenidos x razones políticas de Córdoba
29. Argentina, Frente Patria Grande
30. Argentina, Grupo de Estudios sobre América Latina y el Caribe
31. Argentina, Haiti, EE.UU., Camerùn, Tanzania, Italia, Francia, Bélgica, Gran Bretaña, Irlanda, La Santa Unión de los Sagrados Corazones
32. Argentina, Marabunta Corriente Social y Política
33. Argentina, Movimiento Centroamericano 2 de Marzo
34. Argentina, Movimiento Patriótico Revolucionario Quebracho
35. Argentina, Negras(si)Marronas
36. Argentina, Nuestramerica Movimiento Popular
37. Argentina, Organizaciones Libres del Pueblo-Resistir y Luchar
38. Argentina, Partido de la Liberación PL
39. Argentina, Resumen Latinoamericano
40. Argentina, Todo en sepia asociación de mujeres afrodescendientes en la Argentina
41. Argentina, Unidad Popularclozano
42. Brazil, ABJD - Associação Brasileira de Juristas pela Democracia
43. Brazil, CMP - Central de Movimentos Populares do Brasil
44. Brazil, Comitê Anti-imperialista general Abreu e Lima
45. Brazil, CONEN - Coordenação Nacional de Entidades Negras
46. Brazil, Consulta Popular
47. Brazil, CPP - Conselho Pastoral dos Pescadores
48. Brazil, FUP - Federação Única dos Petroleiros
49. Brazil, Jubileu Sul Brasil
50. Brazil, Levante Popular da Juventude
51. Brazil, MAB - Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens
52. Brazil, MAM - Movimento Pela Soberania Popular na Mineração
53. Brazil, MCP - Movimento Camponês Popular
54. Brazil, MPA - Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores
55. Brazil, MST - Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra
56. Brazil, PJR - Pastoral da Juventude Rural
57. Brazil, SPM
58. Brazil, UJS - União da Juventude Socialista
59. Chile, Angie
60. Chile, Izquierda Libertaria
61. Colombia, Coordinación Política y Social Marcha Patriótica
62. Colombia, Corporaciòn Josè Martì Pèrez
63. Dominican Republic, Accion Afro Dominicana
64. Dominican Republic, Coonadeco
66. Ecuador, Instituto de Estudios Ecologistas del Tercer Mundo
67. El Salvador, Movimiento por la Salud Dr Salvador Allende-ALAMES
68. El Salvador, RACDES
69. Honduras, CONAMINH
70. Mexico, Cátedra Libre de Pensamiento Latinoamericano "Ernesto Che Guevara"
71. Mexico, Comité de Derechos Humanos de Base de Chiapas Digna Ochoa
72. Mexico, Observatorio Latinoamericano de Geopolítica
73. Mexico, Partido Popular Socialista-Agrupación Política Nacional Popular Socialista
75. Peru, Federación de Trabajadores de Lambayeque CTP
76. Puerto Rico, Colectivo Ilé
77. Puerto Rico, COMUNA Caribe
78. Puerto Rico, Plena Combativa
79. Trinidad & Tobago, Assembly of Caribbean People
80. Trinidad & Tobago, Oilfields Workers' Trade Union
81. Uruguay, Coordinadora en defensa de la Autodeterminación del pueblo Haitiano HAITÍ
82. Uruguay, PCR-Partido Comunista Revolucionario
83. Venezuela, Coalición de Tendencia Clasista (CTC-VZLA)
84. Venezuela, Coordinadora Simón Bolívar
85. Venezuela, Frente Francisco de Miranda
86. Venezuela, Mala madre
87. Venezuela, OCV. Organización Comunitaria Venezuela
88. United States, Anti-Imperialist Action Committee
89. United States, CodePink
90. United States, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
91. United States, Latin America Solidarity Coalition of Western Massachusetts
92. United States, Massachusetts Peace Action
93. United States, PEP - Popular Education Project
94. United States, TPF - The People’s Forum
95. East-Timor, Conselho Nacional da Ressureicao de Maubere (CNRM)
96. France, France Insoumise Amérique Latine
97. Italy, Potere al Popolo!
98. Spain, CIG - Confederación Intersindical Galega
99. Spain, Comunidad Cristiana Vanguardia Obrera
Russia, Vanguard of Red Youth of Labour
Ukraine, Union "Borotba"
#NoDictatorshipInHaiti #DownWithUSImperialism #LongLiveHaiti