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In defense of life over profit: Vaccine and public, free healthcare for all now!

The COVID-19 pandemic has universally put on display the contradictions of capitalism that put profit before people’s lives:

In light of this situation, we must pull together the efforts of all forms of social, popular, neighborhood and political organization across the world to support and demand the fulfillment of the necessary measures for the protection of the lives of human beings. From our organizations, agreeing with and amplifying the orientations of the World Health Organization (WHO), we propose the following measures:

Call on all people’s organizations, social and political organizations, collectives, campaigns and local, national and international entities of all countries, to help build the International Week of Anti-Imperialist Struggle from April 7 to 11, 2021, with the objective of showing our indignation with the current situation of the world, and at the same time, reaffirm our commitment to building a more just and equal world, where life is put before profit.

We are certain that united, we can advance our cause in defense of humanity.

IPA - International Peoples' Assembly
ALBA Movimientos
FDIM - Women's International Democratic Federation
Foro de São Paulo
La Vía Campesina
MMM - World March of Women
PIE - European Left
Progressive International
People’s Health Movement